Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Breeze of love

In the darkness, all alone;
She lay in the bed weeping.
The wailing breeze whispers into her ears,
Why do you cry, my dear ?

Why does he ignore me,
Why doesnt he like me?
I do love him a lot,
I do care for him.
And tell me one more thing,
Is he thinking of me?

The breeze stays calm,
The breeze doesnt reply.

All of a sudden, the breeze goes hard,
And the lights glow up in her room.
She wakes up from the bed,
And wipes her tears off.

He does love me,
But he is in his own troubles.
I should not cry,
I should make him smile.

-- Deepesh

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Invisibility !!!

Invisibility!!! Isnt that a strange feeling? I have seen magicians making things invisible in front of huge audience. Still I dont know how they do that. But anyways, its really terrific to feel that something's there before us which is invisible. When I was small, I used to think how cool it would be if I could become invisible according to my wish. When I play Quake 3 Arena, I can get the 'Invisibility' power, after which I can shoot my enemies without letting them know where I am :) . So, thats really amazing; but very less practical in our real life.

I believe invisibilty would be just fooling a human eye in practice. I have seen a video (forwarded through e-mail by some of my friend), in which a Japanese guy wears a coat which makes his body invisible. The idea behind the 'Invisibility coat' was keeping realtime camera's and displaying video in the coat to cover 180 degrees from both sides. It continuously captures video from the one side, and displays on the other side. Hence the thickness of the object to be made invisible doesnt matter here.

Now, I was thinking it in another way. We see objects because, light falls on it and the way it reflects. Another thing is that visible light does not penetrate through opaque objects. Penetration of visible light makes it 'Transparent', if 100% transparent then 'invisible'. But there are others in the electromagnetic spectrum, like Infrared, radio waves etc which we use widely and has the power of 'penetrating' through opaque objects. In other means most of the objects in the world are not 'opaque' with respect to these electromagnetic waves. If there can be some easy way of converting visible light to say IR, and converting back to visible light without any loss/degradation, we can easily make things invisible. Again, I am not sure of the practical issues in doing this. This is just another thought.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Attitude -- +ive OR -ive

No matter how narrow and shallow a stream is,
Does it not cool the breeze blowing over it?

No matter how weak the gush of water is,
Can it not smoothen the hardest of rocks?

No matter how small an '=' operator is,
Can it not create an entire system crash ;)

Peek into yourselves, and look how small you are
And Think of the wonders you can bring.

No matter how vast the ocean is,
Can a human quench his thirst beside it?

No matter how quick and precise a machine is,
Can it do what it has to, on its own?

No matter how big the Microsoft is,
Can it not create the silliest of bugs ;)

Peek into yourselves, and look how great you are
And Think of the foolishness you can bring.

-- Deepesh

Life is to be Lived

Life oh!! the mystery,
we r upon and we face;
The thing we always worry,
the thing we endeavor to glace.

His Almighty, who did bestow,
has also given it the curb,
Thru which all have to go,
Be it rustic or the urb.

Life is to be lived,
Make it an applause;
The time which is confined,
Should not be a cause.


Digital Storage

I always admire the advancements in the information technology, which went so wide and in such great pace. When I was studying about the digital technology (some 6-7 years before), I used to wonder how this 0 -1 combination could work out such wonders.

Those times (even now), the storage media was advancing highly. The size was going smaller, while the capacity was going higher and higher. The Compact Disc (CD) uses optical technology, by burning 'pits' into the disk while writing and using a laser diode to illuminate and read. This can easily represent the 0-1 combinations of the digital world. We can see different kinds of handy portable digital media in the market including CDs, DVDs, USB devices, etc.

Now we have another contradictory thing that is the analog one. We have started with the analog things (including storage devices) and ended up with digital solutions. But what we see in the real world is actually analog. We cant imagine a digital world in our real life where everything is either true or false, set or reset, etc. What I think, is the analog technology can much stronger/faster than the digital one. But designing an analog system might be more complicated.

When I was studying about Compact Disk, I was curious of another fact. We store bits by burning the disk. And in the application part, we never read it as individual bits. We read it atleast as bytes. Hence, why cant we store them as bytes itself. Instead of 'dark pits' we can use colors on the disk. The CD writer will write small tint of colors into the disk. The optical reader should recognize the colors and read it out. This would improve the speed and increase the storage space even more; if the size is kept constant.

Time has passed, but still I dont see a similar kind of storage, in the market. In my example of using colors, we can have 256 colors or millions of color combinations written which will multiply the number of bits represented in a single tint of color. But that may result in slower app performance, although the storage size can be reduced highly.

Is this an analog solution? I am not sure. But still I think storing as bytes would be a better way in a storage media. But we see the serial busses are getting more popular than parallel ones. Also 'The simpler, the more popular" is working out in most scenarios. So I dunno how much my thinking is relevant to the present scenario.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Here it goes

Finally, I decided to start a blog. The 'thought-provoking' ;-) blogs from AnoopG ( and Shameer ( gave me all the inspiration. May God bless me to have a good blogging future...