Sunday, June 22, 2008

I am a man! I rule ...

The Indian culture usually treats man as superior to woman. If we go to some interior villages, they consider women as they are born to serve men. It is even said that the voice of the woman should not be heard beyond the kitchen. Men wont allow them to go out and earn for the family, since they feel that they will lose their dominating position.

Now a days, in most urban and semi-urban areas and in some villages too, the situations have changed. Women are given almost equal priority as men. They have proved themselves to be capable. God has created men and women with different physique. Men are usually stronger. Women even have other physical problems like during their periods. So there is definitely some limitations that God has given to a woman. If we look at nature, we can see some of this male dominance. Most mammals have the male leading a group. All these happen naturally.

So all we have to do is to accept and respect each other. Give each other equal rights, share the responsibilities and everything should be governed by love. So it is not the man or woman who should rule, it should be their love.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Does God exist?

Most people should have thought of this in some part of their life, unless they blindly believe in anything. The family and the environment where a child is born determines how he is supposed to believe in God. In most of the cases, a person is classified into a specific religion by birth itself. And every religion has its own perception towards the Almighty. There are many people who do fall into any of these religions but say that there is no God.

Why do we believe in God? All the 5 senses for a human being (a computer geek can call it as 5 input devices ;) ) cant be used to confirm His existence. Nobody knows how He looks like or sounds like. Or is He a supernatural force which exists but cant be felt. We say God is the creator. If we think like nothing comes from nothing, then there should be a creator. And that is God. I can call Him the perfect designer, who created the entire universe with the smallest thing on the planet earth designed with ultimate perfection. We see that the nature balances itself. All living beings have their instinct to find their prey, they reproduce, they die everything contributes for an ecological balance. As a human, we can think of all these as 'well planned and executed'. We believe God is immortal. But everything in the world/universe has its end, so is it true that the creator is still the one who takes care of everything. (Soon after I typed this sentence, I got a small electric shock from my laptop's adapter which is properly insulated, this time I'm not joking). And why has He created such a balanced nature? I am not even 0.0001 % eligible to think about it.

Is God a single entity, or a group of entities? From human experiences it could be both. I am a Hindu, and the Hindu religion says there is only one God. Even Christianity, Islam etc says that there is only one God. In Hindu Mythologies they say about different Gods who have their responsibilities, and that is an interesting way of thinking about it too.

I do believe in God. But I believe that, I need not go to a temple to feel His presence. I can feel God in my parents, my beloved ones, my teachers. I can feel God in the food I eat, the air I breath, the place where I live. And to be honest, I can feel God in myself too.