Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Invisibility !!!

Invisibility!!! Isnt that a strange feeling? I have seen magicians making things invisible in front of huge audience. Still I dont know how they do that. But anyways, its really terrific to feel that something's there before us which is invisible. When I was small, I used to think how cool it would be if I could become invisible according to my wish. When I play Quake 3 Arena, I can get the 'Invisibility' power, after which I can shoot my enemies without letting them know where I am :) . So, thats really amazing; but very less practical in our real life.

I believe invisibilty would be just fooling a human eye in practice. I have seen a video (forwarded through e-mail by some of my friend), in which a Japanese guy wears a coat which makes his body invisible. The idea behind the 'Invisibility coat' was keeping realtime camera's and displaying video in the coat to cover 180 degrees from both sides. It continuously captures video from the one side, and displays on the other side. Hence the thickness of the object to be made invisible doesnt matter here.

Now, I was thinking it in another way. We see objects because, light falls on it and the way it reflects. Another thing is that visible light does not penetrate through opaque objects. Penetration of visible light makes it 'Transparent', if 100% transparent then 'invisible'. But there are others in the electromagnetic spectrum, like Infrared, radio waves etc which we use widely and has the power of 'penetrating' through opaque objects. In other means most of the objects in the world are not 'opaque' with respect to these electromagnetic waves. If there can be some easy way of converting visible light to say IR, and converting back to visible light without any loss/degradation, we can easily make things invisible. Again, I am not sure of the practical issues in doing this. This is just another thought.


Binoj said...

Great thinking Deepesh.. Every brillaint ideas will be first considered as foolish one. Please let me know, if you make it possiblle..

BalaG said...

Nice thinking!

Fact is, without light u cant see anything. That means, if u want to see a thing going invisible, you need the presence of light there to realize that action of 'invisibility'.

It is the property of each object, say 'Blue Shirt' which helps us to realise that the color of the shirt is blue, since it absorbs everything except the color, BLUE.

So if u want that shirt to go invisible, then u must change the property of that object in such a way that it absorbs ALL LIGHT...

So a third party waves like IR :) cannot change the property of an object since they are purely WAVES and object is something SOLID, i guess!!!

Deepesh Panicker said...

So if u want that shirt to go invisible, then u must change the property of that object in such a way that it absorbs ALL LIGHT...
I think, what u said is wrong. If an object absorbs all light we would see it as BLACK colored.
Instead we should make it transparent by visualizing what is behind the object.

Shameer said...

Hi Deepesh,

Nice thoughts.. Infact great!!!
I believe one day Man will come with solutions for the problem..

But what i need, is a solution where there must not be any gadgets fixed in the seeing person. ie if a person wears some kind of glasses, he will see the objects sorrounding invisible.. This is not accepted.

The camera technology is a good solution, but not practical...

I dont know much about optics to comment about your solution..
But as a optimistic guy, i can say you..

Deepesh Panicker said...

Just like the invisibility coat, there should be some gadgets by which someone or something become invisible to the outerworld.
I remember the movie Hollow man, where the actor becomes invisible by having an invisibility serum. It may be even like that...