Monday, June 16, 2008

Does God exist?

Most people should have thought of this in some part of their life, unless they blindly believe in anything. The family and the environment where a child is born determines how he is supposed to believe in God. In most of the cases, a person is classified into a specific religion by birth itself. And every religion has its own perception towards the Almighty. There are many people who do fall into any of these religions but say that there is no God.

Why do we believe in God? All the 5 senses for a human being (a computer geek can call it as 5 input devices ;) ) cant be used to confirm His existence. Nobody knows how He looks like or sounds like. Or is He a supernatural force which exists but cant be felt. We say God is the creator. If we think like nothing comes from nothing, then there should be a creator. And that is God. I can call Him the perfect designer, who created the entire universe with the smallest thing on the planet earth designed with ultimate perfection. We see that the nature balances itself. All living beings have their instinct to find their prey, they reproduce, they die everything contributes for an ecological balance. As a human, we can think of all these as 'well planned and executed'. We believe God is immortal. But everything in the world/universe has its end, so is it true that the creator is still the one who takes care of everything. (Soon after I typed this sentence, I got a small electric shock from my laptop's adapter which is properly insulated, this time I'm not joking). And why has He created such a balanced nature? I am not even 0.0001 % eligible to think about it.

Is God a single entity, or a group of entities? From human experiences it could be both. I am a Hindu, and the Hindu religion says there is only one God. Even Christianity, Islam etc says that there is only one God. In Hindu Mythologies they say about different Gods who have their responsibilities, and that is an interesting way of thinking about it too.

I do believe in God. But I believe that, I need not go to a temple to feel His presence. I can feel God in my parents, my beloved ones, my teachers. I can feel God in the food I eat, the air I breath, the place where I live. And to be honest, I can feel God in myself too.


Dragonfly said...

Everything that has a begining only has an end. If the creator doesn't have a begining, it cant have an end. Then you may ask how can it doesn't have a begining. I can give you the example of numbers. I think we know the middle part ... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, .... it doesn't have a begining and an end.
Also, you said, everything in this world has and end, but what if the creator or the almighty is not from this world. We still don't know how many worlds there are in this world... ;) sounds crazy, ain't it?
I was just trying to write some more angles of your thoughts. :)

Deepesh Panicker said...

Well, some things seem to be beyond human imagination. If God is the creator then who created God. So something has to come from nothing, right? Something that does not have a beginning is beyond my imagination. I can imagine -inf. and +inf. in the case of numbers, but not this.

Yeah.. that is an interesting thing I used to think about too. "How many worlds are there in this world" It would be crazy to think one of the electrons revolving around a proton in an atom to be a planet like earth.

Anoop G said...

even if you are a believer or atheist, your actions, principles and responsibilities towards this world and fellow human beings does not change...

Loka samastha sukino bhanvanthu!

Wandering Gaijin said...

Very well written Deepesh.
And thanks for the come back. You were idle for a bit too long.

I am a Hindu by birth and since my parents were great believers, I too used to follow the rituals and pray. But, later on in life I had asked these questions myself and had become an atheist. I used to argue that God does not exist I stopped believing in fate and the so called supreme power. At some point in life, in some situations we feel helpless and nothing else to do, just move along. And in such a situation, one day I had an inspiration to believe. I had nothing else to do. Then, some incidents happened quite unexpectedly, which I still believe as miracles. From that day on, am back in the God's path .

And as we see the world more, we would be amazed at the beauty and vastness, the diversity and the perfect equilibrium. And this couldn't have come to existence on its own. I would say, world is beautifully created.

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts..
I still not able to figure why you people believe in GOD when some issues comes in life which you cannot manage..
As long as you are okay, you will tell that there is no GOD!!!!

Just think about a heap which contains a all the materials for a space ship including the minute screws needed to make a ship.. Now a storm came and fortunately the storm hit the heap of the space ship particles and it became the space ship!!!
Will you believe this theory... I am sure you will not...

But you people will believe in theory "The complex human being evolved"...

Here is the problem of thinking...
one side you will think correctly and the other side you just take what others think and they make you think in their way....
Nnatural causes are an inadequate explanation for the amount of precise information contained in human DNA. A person who discounts God is left with the conclusion that all of this came about without cause, without design, and is merely good fortune. It is intellectually wanting to observe intricate design and attribute it to luck.


Anoop G said...

Anyway the so called "believers", believe in GOD just to reserve a berth in the so called "heaven"...

God should not have any issue if any person question his/her existence.

All relegions/believers are only producing hatred and sorrows to the human community.

Loka Samastha Sukino bhavanthu

Deepesh Panicker said...

AnoopG, You have a different way of analyzing things and that is good. "Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu" is something we all should pray.
And I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I believe those are absolute fiction, and the aim is to make people lead a disciplined life. Since the aim is for good, its not wrong to have such a belief.

Deepesh Panicker said...

Yes, Manju. If we have faith in God, it provides a lot of moral strength and support. Virtually God is with us always. But its not like if we pray to God before an exam, we will get good marks. It will happen only if we try hard, but the other provides you strength and confidence.

Deepesh Panicker said...

Shameer, I think, it is the same moral support that people seek when they have a problem. But we should think of God in all good and bad times.
And I cant disbelieve the theory of evolution. It is proven from fossils that the apes fell in a category between the monkeys and humans. And evolution does happen over millions of years, which might have shaped us into humans in all aspects.

See we have dogs of different breeds. They look different, differ in their characteristics and intelligence. If we can do that, then why cant this happen over millions of years.

And it would be a theory quite acceptable for people, unless and until someone disproves it with sheer evidence.

Shameer said...

Hi Deepesh,

How can you say that "It is proven from fossils that the apes fell in a category between the monkeys and humans"
Its still in the study and poeple are concluding with limited evidence [as what they call] .. its not not proved...
And one more thing.. Just because apes fell in a category between the monkeys and humans,, how can u conclude.. ? There is a imagination ...
I can say that you have to imagine a lot .. a lot


Deepesh Panicker said...

How do you expect to prove the evolution theory? Unless we have a time machine to go to the past and see what has happened, we have to make conclusions with the remains of the past. You know the DNA of the ape's and humans have as much as 98 to 99 percent similarity. And its considered to be in the same ancestoral hierarchy. And the human beings are new to the world compared to those ancestors as per the fossils.
Ok, if you cant conclude with all the information the evolutionists have... can you prove it in the other way?